Thursday 22 October 2009

My Goals 2

My short term Goal was to achieve a distinction in Unit 1. So far i believe i am progressing quite well. I handed in my Task2, received feedback for it and I'm going to hand in my final improvements tomorrow.

I think i am a little behind on updating my blog however i believe after half term i should have caught up with all my work.

My actions to be put in place is to spend an hour or two a day on my work, over half term.

My Goals

Short Goal-
To complete and earn a distinction is Unit 1. I plan to achieve this goal by handing work in early to know what to improve on, listen in class and take notes. This is a short term goal method however it could also be used in medium or long term goals, to make sure i achieve what i deserve.

Medium goal -
To recieve a Distinction/merit in BTEC Business and IT. As previously stated i should hand work in early to see what needs improving. I would also need to stay on top of work completing each task the best i can and also plan for future tasks to keep organised.

I plan to review these goals after half term, I will review how well the course is going for me, if any problems i will change and adapt my goals in order for me to improve.

My Learning Styles

Taking the BKSB test in the induction day last year at college, i remember finding out that i was a kinesthetic learner. Personally i took no notice of this until taking a similar test, in my first lesson of IT, the memletics test. This showed me, again, that i am a kinesthetic learner, this means that I learn best, using a hands on approach, for example; carrying out the task in a "trial and error" method. This could be an accurate assumption to my learning style, however i believe i am more of a mixed learner, and i adapt to what i am learning. For example a maths equation i could learn by trial and error method, or i could watch and listen to how the teacher does it. However what else the memletics task showed me is that, i learn least well in groups or social groups, this is believe is true, because even though i am good at contributing to the group and listening to new ideas, i believe that i get easily distracted (weakness).

Task 2

Task 2 was a report that we had to complete on Microsoft word. The report showed different employability skills and why they are useful. I believe this task went ok for me, at the first hand in date, i had an email problem, which delayed me a few more days for the feedback. However, when receiving my feedback i knew what i had to improve.

I plan to email my final improvements to Dee tomorrow.

Finding a Job

Taking the Suits me Quiz, i discovered that most of the jobs that i was suited for had something to do with IT. The one that most suited me was a "Web Developer".

A web developer is someone that set up and run websites on the internet.
The Key skills i need for this job is
- Advanced Dream weaver skills
- Creativity
- Communication skills
- Organised

Mock Interview

In class we were set an activity called the mock interview. Firstly we had to complete a quiz which showed us what jobs we are suited to. Mine was a web developer. We then had to interview our partners and ask questions related to the job, to see how well they researched for it and practiced the questions.

Technical Skills

Word -7/10
Excel -7/10
Powerpoint -6/10
Publisher - 5/10
Photoshop - 3/10

Goals: to improve my photoshop skills from 3 out of 10 to 7 out of 10

SMART specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic, time based.

i plan to improve on my photoshop skills, by improving at home, reading tutorials, and listening in class.

UPDATE: I believe i have improved my photoshop skills quite a lot over this year, especially by designing a technical manual, and by reading others it has helped me to improve.

Personal Skills

In class Dee set us a small task to choose 10 adjective to describe ourselves,
So i chose :
Hard working
Quick thinking

Universal Skills

Confidence - 5/10
Organization - 7/10
Time Management - 7/10
Verbal/Written skills - 6/10
Numeracy - 8/10
Problem solving - 8/10
Team working - 7/10
Creativity - 6/10
As you can see, my confidence needs improving the most, in my opinion confidence will be improved with experience, such as the mock interview.

SWOT Analyse

In one of my first lessons in IT, we were set a task called SWOT Analysis, this is designed to show the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a business or people. The Weaknesses i chose for myself are: Confidence, Unorganized, inpatient. It is a lot easier to point out your weaknesses rather than your strengths. After some thought i came up with some strengths for myself : Hardworking, consistent, Punctual.

Opportunities are things that will help me progress through education, or even life, in a successful way. These could be College or University, a full time job after them, and even supportive parents.

Lastly the threats, obviously this could be the recession, where it is hard to find a job.