Tuesday 26 January 2010


In conclusion i believe that this Task went Ok for me, i would have liked to finish this task on time, however i let work build up near the start of the year. The task i most enjoyed out of this unit was the technical manual, however this was one of the hardest for me, as my adobe photoshop skills are below average. My Task3 was a good piece of work, i only had minimal improvements to make for Dee.

Monday 25 January 2010


I already had a CV made at home for a job that i applied for, i think that i would have to change it slightly for an IT based job.

Technical Manual

For my technical manual i chose to create a step by step guide on how to use the "warp" tool in Adobe Photoshop. I chose this guide for beginners and i chose this feature becuase this is what i was most confident in using. I believe this went well and i will ask one of my classmates to proof read it for me.

Friday 22 January 2010

SWOT Review

At the start of the year the weaknesses i chose for myself were: Confidence, Unorganized, inpatient. However i believe that now i have improved alot on my confidence, this could be due to getting to know people in the class and therefore feeling more comfortable and confident in what i am doing.

At the start of the year the strengths i chose for myself were: Hardworking, consistent, Punctual. Unfortunately i think that i havnt really used some of my strengths to my advantage, however im going to set a target now is to complete all work on time.

GOALS Review

At the start of the year we had to target ourselves 3 goals, short, medium and long term goals.

My short term goal was to achieve a distinction in Unit1, i could do this by handing work in early. As a review of my short term goal, i would say i havnt really hit my target, however i have now achieved all of the pass criteria. Also Dee stated that if we wanted to, we could come back to Unit1 at a later date and try and hit the merit/distinction criteria.